Hartford’s Auto Accident Attorney: Legal Support You Can Trust

Hartford’s Auto Accident Attorney: Legal Support You Can Trust – Jackson O’Keefe, LLP, knows the intricacies of accident and personal injury law and practice. You don’t care about these details, but they can be important in putting your data in the best possible way to solve the problem. A cornerstone of Jackson O’Keefe, LLP, over the past 50 years, it has helped insurers defend against some of their most dangerous and risky situations. Now we bring you the knowledge and experience to help you and your family get the full compensation you deserve. Take advantage of our multi-year insurance call us now at 860-278-4040.

At Jackson O’Keefe, we are not a law firm. We don’t see you as a number, we give you to a secretary or lawyer for “insurance” first. Your call went through. Your questions are answered promptly. We are a small company of professionals helping families. Each patient’s case is overseen by a partner attorney throughout the process. personally. Professional Skills. best practices. We constantly monitor developments in the law to provide you with the best information.

Hartford’s Auto Accident Attorney: Legal Support You Can Trust

Hartford's Auto Accident Attorney: Legal Support You Can Trust

The personal injury attorneys at Jackson O’Keefe represent men and women throughout Connecticut who have been injured by the negligence of others. Contact the company for confidential advice to discuss your claim for compensation.

How To Choose A Law Firm

Personal injury lawsuits in Connecticut are filed by individuals (or their representatives) who have been injured as a result of another person’s negligence. Trauma can be physical or emotional, and can be caused by many sources or behaviors. Some common types of personal injuries include slip and falls, motor vehicle accidents, assault and battery, medical malpractice, and product liability. Generally, the goal of a personal injury case is to determine who is responsible and to force the responsible person to pay damages to the injured party. If you or someone you know has been injured by someone else’s negligence, contact a Jackson O’Keefe personal injury attorney to find out how we can help you recover. What are your rights?

The personal injury attorneys at Jackson O’Keefe can help ensure that our clients receive the compensation they are legally entitled to. Some of the things for which an injured party is legally entitled to compensation include lost wages, past and future medical expenses, physical and emotional harm and suffering and damages. Sometimes a close relative of the injured person, such as his or her spouse, is also entitled to compensation. This award is often referred to as joint damages, which is intended to compensate the injured person or the deceased person for the loss of services and relationships.

Other damages that may be awarded, depending on the law of the state where the lawsuit is filed and the facts of the particular situation, include basic damages, which are awarded to the plaintiff for loss of enjoyment of the activities. whom he once cherished. But could not participate due to injury. In addition, fines may be awarded when the defendant’s conduct is unethical and the court or jury decides that the defendant should be punished for more costs and more damages than the plaintiff has caused. Punitive damages can serve to deter others from engaging in similar misconduct.

Not every injured plaintiff is entitled to compensation for their injuries. In addition to the injury, the plaintiff must prove by credible and relevant evidence that the defendant is legally responsible for his injury. The prosecutor must present evidence of causation in terms of facts and social (legal) reasons. Actual causation is determined by facts and findings. Whether the law will hold depends on the facts and circumstances of the particular case.

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In some personal injury cases, a tort can be established if the plaintiff can prove that the defendant engaged in the conduct. This means that the tortfeasor intentionally caused injury to the claimant or knew that the conduct in which he engaged was likely to result in injury.

Another personal injury case is based on a looser concept of fault called negligence. According to the negligence theory, the defendant is liable for the consequences of an act, or inaction, when an ordinary person in the same position should have realized that the act would pose an adverse risk to others. Another type of personal injury is based on strict liability, which is a no-fault basis where liability can be established regardless of the fault of multiple parties, including the plaintiff. Strict liability applies in product liability cases, such as when a manufacturer or seller of a defective product places the product in the hands of a consumer, and the consumer suffers.

A defendant may be punished for an act or omission. A driver who fails to stop at a red light and hits another vehicle and injures other drivers or passengers is liable for negligence. A homeowner who fails to clear snow and ice from the front steps of business premises open to the public may be held liable if the janitor falls and breaks his leg while attempting to enter the premises. .

Hartford's Auto Accident Attorney: Legal Support You Can Trust

In some cases, the defendant’s conduct, when examined, need not constitute harm. If, for example, the plaintiff knows that he will cause harm, the law provides that he has accepted the risk of injury and therefore the defendant is not required to make surety. The presumption of assumption of risk would apply where the claimant was involved in a football match, and another player broke his arm. In such a case, the plaintiff would not be able to recover for injuries because he knew the dangers of the game and chose to face them willingly.

Hartford Personal Injury Attorneys

A personal injury attorney can explain these and other defenses and determine whether they apply to a particular case.

Personal injury cases often require an attorney’s analysis of the facts and circumstances to determine whether the defendant is legally liable for the plaintiff’s injuries. Jackson O’Keefe’s personal injury attorneys in Hartford, Connecticut can look at the facts of your case and determine whether or not you have a valid claim. To protect your rights, compensation to which you may be entitled. , and whether you are entitled to any financial assistance before your case is settled. Also, in many personal injury cases, you are not legally responsible unless the defendant pays damages.

All attorneys at Jackson O’Keefe have an interest in “fighting for the man.” We give events to people we believe in. We treat each case as we choose and give it the time it needs and deserves. We are genuinely interested in the health of our customers. We always strive to do more than get good results in a case. We are really satisfied with the results we achieved and the speed with which we achieved them. However, we only pride ourselves on the fact that we respond to every call promptly and resolve every possible issue, whether it is directly related to the case or not. We maintain friendships with many of our clients until we have won or settled their case. Our relationship with them is as valuable as our personal achievements.

Our personal injury practices include car and automobile accident cases, Connecticut car accident cases, Connecticut motorcycle accident cases, Connecticut truck accident cases, vehicle defects (such as seat belts, airbags, child seats, car seats and tires), Insurance (Including Low Cost Items), SUV Rollover Cases, Wrongful Death, Other Cases, Connecticut Bicycle Accidents, Connecticut Travel Accidents, Connecticut Boating Accidents, Connecticut Airplane Accidents, Connecticut Bus Accidents, Connecticut Train Accidents, Connecticut and construction and disability cases. disease (including amputation, paralysis and quadriplegia and related brain damage problems), severe back pain, blindness, labor pain, broken bones, burns, reflex sympathetic D and CRPS, as well as drug class action lawsuits such as Mirana IUDs. Included.

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Disclaimer: This website and the information it contains are for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. Find a qualified attorney for legal advice.

I could go on and on about my experience with Joe, Phil and their team at Jackson O’Keefe. Not only did I feel like my voice was heard with them, but they did everything in their power to fight and win my case. I would recommend them to everyone I know and use them 100%.

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