Optimizing Your Bug Bounty Game: Xss Write-up Techniques For $$$$$

Optimizing Your Bug Bounty Game: Xss Write-up Techniques For $$$$$ – In this blog we’ll explore the areas of blogging and blog writing, and give you valuable information on how to improve your skills as a fundraiser.

In today’s digital world, where cyber security is so important, bug bounty programs have emerged as an important initiative for organizations to strengthen their defenses. Financial hackers play an important role in identifying vulnerabilities before malicious actors do. However, the effectiveness of these programs is not only about the knowledge of the fans, but also about the coding process and the quality of the bug reports. In this blog, we’ll dive into the world of bug testing and reporting, so you can master these steps.

Optimizing Your Bug Bounty Game: Xss Write-up Techniques For $$$$$

Optimizing Your Bug Bounty Game: Xss Write-up Techniques For $$$$$

The bug reporting team acts as a gatekeeper to ensure that valid bugs reach the development team for fixing. Each Managed Project release is reviewed by a testing team to ensure validity and compliance with project policies. In addition, comprehensive reviews are performed to avoid duplicate errors and verify their reproduction. After the successful completion of these evaluations the error is considered correct and then the tests are performed.

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New : This is the first version of the report. When a bug report is submitted, it is marked as “new”. This indicates that the security team has received the report and is reviewing it.

Not relevant (not applicable): Some vulnerabilities may not affect the systems and scope of the organization. In such cases, the report will be marked “N/A” and closed.

More context is needed : This means that the security team did not fully understand your report or was unable to reproduce the problem using the information you provided. Typically, the security team will ask questions or request additional information about the vulnerability.

Duplicate: If that vulnerability has been reported by multiple bug hunters or is known by management, the report may be marked as “duplicate”. Duplicate reports are usually closed.

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Commentary : If a reason does not cause a security problem, but still provides important information, it may be marked as “Informative”. This validates the bug hunter’s contribution while showing that the security measures are inadequate.

Tested: Once the security team has reviewed the report and confirmed that the vulnerability is valid, it is moved to “testing” mode. This means that the problem has been acknowledged and approved for further investigation.

Fixed: After the vulnerability has been determined and a fix has been requested, the report will be marked as “completed” or “fixed”. This means that the security issue has been successfully met.

Optimizing Your Bug Bounty Game: Xss Write-up Techniques For $$$$$

The company “xyz” is managed through a financial error management program. When someone files a report, a notice is sent to the company and . The testing process begins with a check to determine if the problem falls within the scope of the project. If so, the report will be tested against the policy of the program. If the report does not meet the rules or is outside the scope of the project, it will be marked as invalid or not applicable (NA). It will also check if the previous problem has been reported. If there is, it will be marked as a duplicate. If there is no duplicate, the driver will try to recreate the issue using the information in the report.

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In cases where the report is not clear, the researcher will ask the researcher for more information. This communication continues until the third party is fully aware of the error and cannot recreate it. If the problem is confirmed and the rules of the program are followed, the driver will activate the error and assign it to its priority. The program manager at “xyz” will be contacted to discuss how to resolve the issue and decide what prizes will be awarded to the person who posted.

Triage teams often encounter reports that are missing important information, making it difficult to generate and validate the vulnerability. The stages of reproduction are often unclear. Provide clear, step-by-step instructions and comprehensive information to avoid frustration and delay.

Additionally, reports without a working PoC are considered less credible. Adding a PoC will increase the impact of your report and help startups gain a better understanding of vulnerability.

Here are two different examples of reports. One is vague and lacks detail, the other explains well and shows the steps to follow. These examples show how good reporting can make a big difference in bug issues.

Beginner Bug Bounty Guide

Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of the program may result in ineligibility. Please read and understand the instructions carefully before submitting a report.

For example, we have received reports like “Rate Limiting on API Endpoints Enables Endpoint OTP Transfer”. Although the question is valid, the program’s policy states that “

This is something that annoys fans. Sometimes hackers find out about the vulnerability and just blindly show each program without verifying if the vulnerability exists.

Optimizing Your Bug Bounty Game: Xss Write-up Techniques For $$$$$

For example, let’s dive into a funny story: we were recently bombarded by vulnerability reports “The configuration of Oauth leads to account ban”. Whoever said this looks like it’s going to be sent to every bug support program without even bothering to check it. The funniest thing is that some programs don’t even have the option to use OAuth single sign-on. So let’s not follow in their footsteps!

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There have also been several reports of a response vulnerability. However, the fans have not confirmed whether these issues will affect the back end, and only rely on the front end releases.

Avoid multiple reports of similar vulnerabilities originating from different causes, even if they occur on different endpoints.

For example, the company uses a dialog box / widget that can be found in different places such as support sites, blogs, newsletters, etc. So if you find XSS in the dialog box, you just show the vulnerability in the dialog box and mention that the problem was found there, instead of mentioning the XSS multiple times. wherever the information widget is used. Note that exceptions, especially in some cases such as IDORs, require a separate report.

There is no need to ask for multiple updates every time. When you submit a report to a management program, it is monitored by a supervisor. Communication between Triagri and the project manager is ongoing. Sending follow-up messages too many times in a short period of time will not give your report much attention. It is best to ask for an update every two weeks or so.

Awesome Bugbounty Writeups

While much of the web content focuses on teaching the skills needed to find bugs, it lacks guidance on how to write an effective bug report. In the next section, we will discuss strategies for optimizing the impact of reports on business and testing.

Well-formed error reporting plays an important role in the efficiency of the testing process. Consider the perspective of the tests that run multiple reports every day. Keeping your bug report organized and consistent will help them identify the problem you are having more quickly.

Start with a brief summary that describes the impact of the vulnerability, the affected systems, and potential problems. A clear summary helps test teams quickly understand the nature of the report.

Optimizing Your Bug Bounty Game: Xss Write-up Techniques For $$$$$

This part is the video version of the whole process. You can record a demo video or add photos. A well-written PoC makes the validation process easy.

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Clearly describe the potential impact of the vulnerability on the target system, data, or users. Explain how an attacker can be vulnerable and the consequences.

Provide recommendations on how the vulnerability can be reduced or improved. This will show your knowledge and help improve the editing process. This section is optional, but if you are fully aware of the vulnerability, you can provide the remediation methods.

After a long search, you will find a vulnerability! Best regards and respect. But now you have to determine the severity of the said error. Blindly judging stress can lead to confusion and unhappiness. Here the CVSS (Common Vulnerability Scoring System) is an invaluable tool. CVSS evaluates factors such as usability, impact on reliability, integrity, and availability, and provides a numerical score that indicates the level of severity. This systematic approach accurately reflects risk and helps test teams make informed decisions. Explore CVSS metrics, assess all aspects of a vulnerability, and get a score that reflects its severity. We also support the use of the BugCrowd Vulnerability Rating Taxonomy (VRT) here.

Imagine a reporter looking for a vulnerability to take down an account. In this case, he can use CVSS to determine the severity of his report like this.

Things Top Bug Bounty Hunters Do Differently

“No Impact, No Bounty” were the golden words of my colleague Devang Solanki on a very sad Monday.

Effective bug reporting requires a clear impact statement. This is your best chance to earn more money. Be sure to explain how the bug can compromise the security of the target asset, and always try to maximize your attack for maximum benefit.

If you can find it

Optimizing Your Bug Bounty Game: Xss Write-up Techniques For $$$$$

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