Proactive Measures: How To Protect Your Website Against Payload Xss

Proactive Measures: How To Protect Your Website Against Payload Xss – When people ask me how to make a website 100% secure, I tell them it’s simple, just keep it offline.

Once they stop yelling at me, they’ll usually shift the conversation to web builders and content management systems (CMS) to find out which option has the best security.

Proactive Measures: How To Protect Your Website Against Payload Xss

Proactive Measures: How To Protect Your Website Against Payload Xss

What they don’t understand is that it doesn’t matter if you use a website builder for your blog or a CMS to run your business; there will always be an element of risk.

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The real problem with this is that the responsibility for managing that risk is yours. If that wasn’t bad enough, trying to do everything yourself can go wrong. Really fast.

That’s why in this article I’m sharing my best tips for keeping your website secure. Do not worry; It is not advised that a Ph.D. perform

These are simple, valuable strategies you can implement in an afternoon. Even better, they work. Whichever approach you take, each option has already earned its stripes in real-world battles against hackers and bots.

There aren’t many guarantees when it comes to website security. With no simple solution to protecting yourself from hackers forever, your best bet is to implement these strategies to reduce vulnerability while increasing your chances of a quick recovery.

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If you’re building your first website, you might think that data encryption is 007 stuff that only big companies or investigative journalists need.

But if you plan to get traffic from Google, you also need an SSL certificate to rank properly. Heck, you even need one to collect emails for a newsletter.

If it all seems a bit much, remember that there are good reasons for all capes. Previously, all sensitive information sent by your users to your server was in plain text. If someone was looking for that information, they could read it all. This means passwords, bank details, e-mail etc. addresses,

Proactive Measures: How To Protect Your Website Against Payload Xss

An SSL certificate wraps all sensitive information in a layer of encryption to make it impossible to read. Are you using an SSL certificate?

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This is why all major website builders like Wix and Squarespace enable HTTPS by default for every website in their network.

Most web hosts these days offer simple tools that allow you to install an SSL certificate with just a few clicks. If so, ask them how they set it up. I’m sure it’s easy. Bluehost, for example, offers Let’s Encrypt certificates, which are available right in the control panel.

If for some reason your hosting doesn’t offer a simple tool, you can also generate a free domain validation certificate from Let’s Encrypt by following their guidelines. Once done, go to cPanel or your host’s custom panel to install it.

If you use WordPress, you can use the Really Simple SSL plugin to properly configure your site after installing an SSL certificate.

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There is a lot to cover when it comes to login security. But you can go a long way with just two simple implementations: strong passwords and multi-factor authentication.

This is because strong login security is built on at least two layers. For us, it will be something you know (strong password) and something you have (send code to email, phone or call).

But first, do yourself a favor and get a password manager. I have been using 1Password for the past three years and it has changed. Why? Two reasons.

Proactive Measures: How To Protect Your Website Against Payload Xss

What about your users? I recommend using the Password Policy Manager for WordPress to create password policies that apply to WordPress sites.

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Once you have a secure password, set up multi-factor authentication logins. All this means is that someone has to enter the code that is normally sent to the device when they want to access your website.

Both Google Authenticator and Authy are easy to set up with most website builders. For example, with Squarespace, you can find the option in Settings.

If you’ve built something from scratch, you can use the Google Identity Platform to integrate Google Authenticator with your website.

You probably think that no hacker has ever been intimidated by a backup. And you would be right. backup is a precaution. But they also give you a safe place to recover from a crisis. Each of the popular website builders has a different approach.

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For WordPress users, I recommend (and use) UpdraftPlus. With the free version, you can back up directly to the cloud, including Google Drive, Dropbox, Amazon S3 and more without limitation. UpdraftPlus can even help you recover your site in a crisis.

I have to be honest; I love tools like WordPress because themes and plugins make things easy. Want recipes on your website? There are probably hundreds of plugins built specifically for this purpose. It’s not just WordPress. In Wix and Shopify, apps help you achieve a lot without writing a single line of code. Sounds good, right? Enough.

They also make your code harder to secure. Just one poorly coded third-party product can increase your site’s attack surface. And if you don’t update regularly, you create a lot of vulnerabilities.

Proactive Measures: How To Protect Your Website Against Payload Xss

If you use WordPress, you will receive notifications in your dashboard when there is an update to the software itself and any themes and plugins you use. You can also take advantage of the auto-update feature, which covers all of the above.

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For the most secure option, check out a managed hosting plan. Not only will you enjoy tighter security, but you’ll also have someone managing updates to your entire WordPress site. You can learn more about managed WordPress hosting when you’re ready to take the plunge.

If you want to secure a website with the power of Arnold Schwarzenegger, get a Web Application Firewall (WAF).

If you’ve been using the Internet for the past 25 years, you’re familiar with firewalls. A web application firewall is similar to your computer’s firewall in that it uses predefined rules to detect and block attacks. This makes them particularly good at rooting out common attacks such as cross-site scripting (XSS), cross-site forgery, and SQL injections, among others.

Even with an ever-changing threat horizon, a WAF is an important tool. One thing you’ll notice is that most modern WAFs can quickly change and apply rules when new vulnerabilities are discovered.

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As a site administrator, there are many complex things to keep track of, but keeping track of them will have a significant impact on how secure the site is.

If you have implemented the above solutions, you have already significantly reduced the attack surface that hackers can use to take over your website.

However, if you plan to keep it, you should regularly review your site and any external content you publish on it, such as advertising.

Proactive Measures: How To Protect Your Website Against Payload Xss

For example, protect against malicious ads by working with trusted ad networks and scanning and testing all creative before publishing it on your site.

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One of the market leaders, Sucuri SiteCheck, also happens to be free and flags any virus, malware, and malware affecting the front end of your site.

For mission-critical sites, it’s best to also set up regular security audits using a two-step approach:

Use penetration testing tools like Pentest Tools website scanner to discover the size of your attack surface. With over 25 different scanning tools, you will discover problems with your network, sensitive pages indexed by Google and even the strength of your SSL connection.

These tactics may be overkill for a simple hobby blog, but they can help you prevent problems on important sites.

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If you operate a website, you are not only responsible for the security of your data, but also for the data of your visitors, customers and partners. But no pressure.

In the past, maintaining a secure website could seem overwhelming. But today? You don’t need a big budget or years of coding experience to secure a website and keep your users safe.

Still have questions about how to secure a website? Tell us in the comments.

Proactive Measures: How To Protect Your Website Against Payload Xss

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