The Cpm Scheduling Controversy: Google’s Software Development Insights

The Cpm Scheduling Controversy: Google’s Software Development Insights – Relationship between rainfall flow and normalized vegetation difference index in a restored semi-arid wetland in South Africa

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The Cpm Scheduling Controversy: Google’s Software Development Insights

The Cpm Scheduling Controversy: Google's Software Development Insights

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Precedence Network Analysis: Critical Path Method

The papers in this special issue represent cutting-edge research with great potential to significantly impact the field. Featured papers should be large, original papers that include several techniques or approaches, provide insight into future research directions, and describe potential research applications.

Featured papers are submitted at the invitation or personal recommendation of the scientific editor and must receive positive feedback from reviewers.

Editors’ Choice articles are based on recommendations from scientific editors at journals around the world. The editors select a small number of recently published papers in journals that they believe are of particular interest to their readers or important to their respective research fields. The purpose of this journal is to provide an overview of some of the most interesting studies published in various research fields.

Reception date: September 21, 2020 / Revision date: October 21, 2020 / Acceptance date: October 25, 2020 / Publication date: October 27, 2020

Delay Analysis In Construction Projects With No Updated Work Schedules

Delays due to resource constraints are common in many construction projects and can lead to serious financial disputes between project participants. Preventing early delays is an important goal in sustainable construction project management, as dispute resolution can cost unnecessary extra time and costs. To avoid delays, you must implement an executable plan that reflects your limited resources and provides reliable activity information. To this end, this study proposes the generalized resource constraint critical path method (eRCPM). It consists of three steps to identify resource-dependent activity relationships (resource links) based on the results of resource constraint scheduling (RCS) under different resource constraints. Compared to existing resource-constrained critical path methods, eRCPM has the advantage of being able to identify resource links regardless of the RCS technique used, as it is based on results rather than RCS processes. Additionally, this study presents a Microsoft (MS) Excel-based semi-automated prototyping system linked to P6 and MS Project software packages using file export and import functionality. The detailed steps of the eRCPM algorithm and the operating steps of the prototype system are explained using table examples. Through a case study, we show that eRCPM accurately identifies the required resource links and provides reliable float quantities.

Critical path method (CPM) is a typical scheduling method in construction project management. It provides critical information needed to manage construction projects and serves as a basis for analyzing the effects of delays in the construction process [1, 2]. However, it is limited because it assumes an infinite supply of resources available to perform activities. Efficient resource allocation is essential for sustainable construction project management, as many projects have very limited resources such as labor, equipment, and materials [3, 4]. Delays are common in many construction projects, and delays are often due to limited supply of resources [5, 6]. Catching up will require additional time and cost, and may create conflicts between project participants. Preventing early delays is an important goal in sustainable construction project management, as dispute resolution can cost unnecessary extra time and costs. To avoid delays, you need to implement a workable plan that takes into account limited resources. Many resource-constrained scheduling (RCS) techniques, such as sequential and parallel methods, have been developed to create more feasible schedules that reflect limited resources [7, 8, 9, 10].

However, RCS techniques do not take into account resource-dependent activity relationships (resource links) due to resource constraints, and thus lose important information about the total float and critical path [10, 11, 12, 13]. Additionally, periodic schedule updates to reflect changes during construction progress may result in changes to the work order after the date of the data, resulting in a plan that differs from the original plan. 12]. RCS technology itself plans activities based on user-set priorities when there is resource contention, thus changing the work order [7, 9]. These task sequence changes can make scheduling beyond the data date difficult. The analysis of delay effects in RCS is further challenged by unreliable floating quantities (also known as floating ghosts) and task sequence changes after schedule updates [14, 15, 16]. The same problem occurs with Primavera P6 and Microsoft Project (MS), two of the most frequently used scheduling software packages [17, 18]. As a result, many studies have been conducted to identify resource links considering limited resources [12, 19, 20, 21, 22].

The Cpm Scheduling Controversy: Google's Software Development Insights

Woodworth and Shanahan (1988) were the first to present a method for identifying resource links in the RCS process among related works [19]. This method uses a parallel RCS method to find resource links based on the resource sequence label stored in the activity and the activity sequence list stored in the resource type. In this case study, we are using a simple schedule where one unit of resource is allocated to one activity, so it is unclear whether it can be used for different types of resources. Bowers (1995) proposed a method to find resource links based on the resource usage history generated in the process of parallel RCS method [20]. However, since the process of finding resource links is very simply described and the case study used is also very simple, it is unclear whether this will work similarly for different resource constraints. Lu and Li (2003) presented a detailed procedure for finding source links using the serial RCS method [21]. This method considers multiple resources by finding resource activity interactions for each resource unit. However, this process does not consider CPM relationships and may identify redundant resource links [23, 24]. Kim and de la Garza (2003) presented a step-by-step process for identifying resource links when using a serial method [12]. This method identifies resource links in two steps. The first is to identify resource links for activities that are delayed due to resource constraints in the RCS process. The second is to determine additional resource links within the float amount of each activity after RCS. This case study is a complex instance where multiple resources are allocated independently. Nisar et al. (2013) used rank weighting method [25] as RCS technique [22]. In this method, after using a common RCS method, we invert the existing network and run the same his RCS method again to identify important time data for each activity such as start time, delay time, float, etc. To do. Resource links are identified by comparing current data for each activity. This heuristic procedure is not only too complex to be used [24], but also has the limitation that it is only valid for one type of resource.

Computer Vision–based Disruption Management For Prefabricated Building Construction Schedule

In this previous study, we applied the Resource Constraint Critical Path Method (RCPM) using a CPM process that identifies resource links within the RCS process and considers the relationship between the identified resource links and existing technical activities. . The RCPM technique used in this study proposes a method to identify resource links using several techniques or algorithms in the RCS process [23, 24]. However, this approach is limited as it is only valid for currently used RCS techniques. That is, an RCPM system based on a particular RCS technology will not work with other RCS technologies. For example, RCPM systems based on sequential methods that can be integrated with P6 are ineffective for MS projects (MSP) that use parallel methods [18]. On the other hand, methods based on parallel techniques available in MSP are disabled in P6. Furthermore, using different activity selection settings with RCS [26] requires additional computer programming.

In this study, we propose a general RCPM (eRCPM) technique that can perform RCPM regardless of the type of RCS method used under different resource constraints. Furthermore, to verify the effectiveness and scalability of the proposed eRCPM, we present a linked semi-automated prototype system using file export and import functionality in both P6 and MSP. eRCPM is not dependent on any specific RCS technology, so it can be easily deployed with other scheduling software in use. Since eRCPM provides better scheduling by reflecting resources and accurately providing float amount, critical path, and stable work order, this research not only contributes to efficient project management but also By providing accurate time information, it also contributes to reducing unnecessary conflicts.

In this section, we review the process of identifying resource links by applying serial and parallel techniques [7, 8] to similar examples based on RCPM.

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