Unveiling The Power Of Payload Xss: Key Strategies Explained

Unveiling The Power Of Payload Xss: Key Strategies Explained – Cross-Site Script “We need to talk about what’s yours and what’s mine.” – Stig Larsson,

Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a common attack vector that injects malicious code into a vulnerable web application. XSS differs from other web attack vectors (such as SQL injection) in that it does not directly target the application itself. Instead, users of the web application are at risk.

Unveiling The Power Of Payload Xss: Key Strategies Explained

Unveiling The Power Of Payload Xss: Key Strategies Explained

To understand XSS, you must first understand how users put data into a web application and how the web application sends information/data to users. The two most common protocols and in my opinion the only two relevant protocols when it comes to XSS.

How Dom Based Cross Site Scripting (xss) Attack Works

, understanding them is key to understanding XSS payloads and why they work. Below is a brief explanation, but ideally you will do your own research and there is a lot more information on the subject than I or any other member can provide, although ba Although hackers have infinite knowledge. He claims so.

GET: Often used to request information. You use it when you click on a link or view an image. The request is always sent to the URL and then the site knows what code to give you. POST: Often used to send data. This POST occurs every time you register, leave a comment, or submit any type of information to the website.

The above rules are not always strictly followed, for example, sometimes you can delete an account or perform other tasks that do not require large access to perform (but only an integer). These functions are usually CSRF sensitive. Even POST requests can be vulnerable to CSRF, but that’s a whole other discussion.

It depends on the GET protocol. We need to understand that parameters can be passed in both GET and POST protocols. When received, it looks like this:

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We’ll look at the URL, which should be clear. After the next line we get the file “chalg1.php”. This PHP file is where our request is “sent” to, and it interprets what to do with our request based on the parameters passed. In this example, the only parameters given are “name” and “send”, which are assigned the values ​​”es” and “search”.

Using Google as an example, XSS is hard to explain because we are so secure. Let’s take a look at the website that the jinn coded.

Let’s imagine a page that displays a profile for each user. There are a lot of users, but if the user is not found, for example, I put “power” (this username is not selected by anyone), it shows the name of the power, but with an error. “Error 404 user power not found”. With XSS, we simply inject JavaScript into the page.

Unveiling The Power Of Payload Xss: Key Strategies Explained

This is the most basic way to insert a script into a page. There are many other methods, but this one is a bit advanced now.

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Instead of showing us the names, it inserts the tags directly into the page because they tags aren’t wrapped properly. This should never happen, but many developers forget this and leave their applications open to XSS attacks.

When it comes to the basics of XSS, there is a lot of information out there that is better than what I could write in 30 minutes. Really, the only thing I can write about is the advanced concepts, but I’ll try to give a brief explanation in hopes of encouraging people to learn more and something I can explain to someone.

Once you inject JavaScript into a page, there are many ways to attack a web application. There are ways to steal CSRF tokens and use them to fake access to another

, however, the most common method is the cookie method. It’s a bit old, overused, and most web applications have other security measures that prevent it (besides just the HTTP cookie flag). Therefore, other methods of exploitation are considered better. However, it’s important to understand, and it’s probably the only mod you’ll hear about on public sites.

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This works because of the “document.cookie” file used in JavaScript to store cookies. Basically, JavaScript can sometimes read user-specific cookies for various reasons, so it accesses them via document.cookie. As mentioned above, not all cookies will be there, if they are set only with the HTTP flag (security developers do this), they will not appear here. However, this is certainly not always the case. Otherwise, JavaScript can read cookies and if you clone them into your browser, you will be logged in as that user.

So we want to create a script that can read them when the user runs the script, but then send it back to us. There are many sites that allow you to enter data by parameter. You can even code yourself without much trouble.

When you go to the above, it will note the phrase “data” somewhere. Any value passed to the cookie parameter is logged.

Unveiling The Power Of Payload Xss: Key Strategies Explained

The utility should add the image to the page with the above resource, but change the URL to include the value of document.cookie as the value of the cookie parameter.

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It now records cookies. Simply send the link above to a victim who visits a malicious website and it will record their cookies. Import these cookies into your browser and you will be logged in as them.

I hope you have something new to learn. Any problems or questions please let me know in the comments section. Thank you for reading.

Build your own Kali distro, but we are hackers and hackers have black terminals with green font colors. -J. Nunemaker

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The 10 Seconds That Ended My 20-Year Marriage August is hot and humid in Northern Virginia. I still couldn’t take a bath because of my morning walk. I’m at home in my mom’s clothes… In short, stored (persistent) cross-site scripting (XSS) is when an attacker injects malicious code into a target application, and this content is stored permanently. Then, when victims visit a page with stored malicious code, their browsers execute the code.

Unveiling The Power Of Payload Xss: Key Strategies Explained

My friend EthicalBugHunter and I hunted as part of a private program. This program had an import feature where we could upload document files

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And when we clicked on this import function to select a file from our desktop, it showed “All supported types” because we can only import document files. So we changed “All supported types” to “All files” on the desktop and uploaded a file with the extension .svg that contained the XSS content in the XML script.

At first the file simply loaded and nothing happened, we couldn’t find the path to where the file was loaded. So we repeated the same steps again and this time we got a response to the request to upload a file where we can find the path. We visited the path and found the stored XSS.

When we looked at the authentication flow, we saw that the authentication token is generated on each login and is unique for each account. The token was stored in localStorage and this token also protected the website from CSRF attacks. Now the question is, how should we steal the token from localStorage? Because if we succeed, we can launch other attacks. So we added a line to our .svg file to steal the token from localStorage prompt(alert(localStorage.getItem(“”)) and it loaded the file. When we visited the path, we successfully transferred the token from localStorage growl.

Local storage is a web storage object used to store data locally in the user’s browser. It introduced HTML5, and previously HTML5 application data had to be stored in cookies included with each server request. Using web storage, large amounts of data can be stored locally without affecting site performance.

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Compared to cookies, the storage limit is much larger (less than 5 MB) and the information is never transferred to the server. Web repository per origin (by domain and protocol). All pages from the same source can store and access the same data.

A LocalStorage object stores data without an expiration date. After closing the browser, the data is not deleted and remains available for the next day, week or year.

A SessionStorage object is equivalent to a LocalStorage object, except that

Unveiling The Power Of Payload Xss: Key Strategies Explained

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