Wage Accident Attorney: Your Advocates In Legal Matters – What happened to our laws in Singapore? Can the public trustee decide the legal fees for the car accident?
Question Reference No: MA-20211106-0045 dated 06/11/2021, MA-20211118-0381 dated 18/11/2021, MA-20211210-0274 dated 10/12/2020 & MA-20211118-0381 dated 18/18/2020 2021 2021 20220601-0054, dated 06/01/2022
Wage Accident Attorney: Your Advocates In Legal Matters
To date, I have submitted my 6th request to your Public Defender, which has been postponed for 6 months and 1 week after your decision to finalize this case.
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In your last email to which you responded on May 31, 2022, you asked me to contact my current attorney directly if there was any clarification regarding the status of my claim, and I explained the reasons and the reasons for this very clearly in the investigation. For the post I answered on June 1, 2022. Screenshot messages from my lawyer: Because I don’t trust lawyers.
As a victim, you (Public Trustee) have filed a complaint against the attorneys (former attorney, defense attorney, current attorney) regarding this case, and you are telling me to contact my current attorney directly regarding the situation My accident said work. This sounds ridiculous, I am complaining to my solicitors firm and the firm wants me to go back to these solicitors?
You can clearly see from the Whatsapp screenshots that I attached to you on May 31, 2022 and my teleconversion on May 26, 2022 from my current attorney and my teleconversion that he agreed to “waive all rights” . If you agree and then change your mind on May 31, 2022, the lawyer’s rights to finalize this matter “! I can always trust these lawyers and I can ask if a lawyer (s) should take their “words” for what they say? Later, they still have the $1,263.00 that the court awarded me and they still haven’t responded to me. I had a strong feeling that this lawyer will follow through on this, as the the defendant’s lawyer did it first in this case, and then he blames me for the delay and charges me the lawyer’s fees again! I wonder if there is a code of conduct that these lawyers have to follow since they are already taking advantage of the victim who claims less than the actual compensation amount. It’s like “stealing from the bagger’s jar”!
1) Former lawyer: He did not do a proper job creating a false compensation amount without my notice, he did not fully provide all the documents to my current lawyer when he took this case, he can even threaten me, the his client. Before the audition started, they encouraged me to go ahead with the first audition without giving any reason. (Is this abuse?)
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2) The defendant’s lawyer: he made an offer a few hours before the start of the hearing, he expected me to accept his very low offer, he was late for the first hearing, no did not prepare cross-examination before the start of the hearing (the first The argument directly harms the partner of the actor (a non-party) (this constituted an abuse (? ) recognize, all my hearings were delayed due to his change of office and the new law firm created by his current company and this case was transferred to the new lawyer, in the last moments before the second hearing, he threatened not to continue with the second hearing through my current attorney, 3 court ruled and the state court and late payment ordered.DIRTY PRACTICING ALL RECORDED AND STARTED CHARGING ME IN ENGLISH $3,700.00 IN ATTORNEY FEES FOR DELAYS!
3) The current lawyer: he did not do a good job after taking the case, he did not check all the documents and the amount and make sure that everything was correct, which caused me unnecessary stress, delay and effective confiscation.. .
Since I was a victim of this accident, my compensation has been postponed for 6 years, 6 months and 1 week until today because of the mistake of these unethical lawyers! I hope that as the Designated Authority of the Motor Accident Compensation Department, you can take a quick decision and I would appreciate your reply to me regarding this situation as soon as possible. Thank you!
P/S Attached is the report that the General Manager who is the current lawyer called me on Whatsapp on May 26, 2022 and asked me to decide on that day if I can accept his offer. On May 26, 2022, he clearly stated in WhatsApp messages that I accepted the offer and stated twice that the Public Trustee should accept the offer to waive all legal fees!
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(A lawyer does not readily agree to waive all the rights of the lawyer if he has not committed any negligence (mistake) and his client has lost his right).
On 7.1.2022, I have not heard from the Public Trustee again, after 7 months of investigation, he repeatedly told me that my case would be closed in 1 week, still no response! For help, the Law Minister K. I do not just write to Shanmug.
Once again, I want to emphasize: “English is not good”, I do not hurt anyone, I am a simple person who earns an honest living, the most important thing is that I do not “cheat”, I have the courage to do it. I will reveal what really happened to me so that everyone knows! I believe that I, my loved ones and my children will be blessed without doing any harm to others! This incident involves insurance, car accident claims, the conduct of lawyers…people in Singapore may face these one day.
Something like this may not happen to you or your very close friends today, but you can’t guarantee it will happen in the future, so don’t LOL here or make any kind of funny comments! As a kind person, if you have difficulty understanding what I write, if it takes too long to read, or if you don’t like it, you can choose to leave this topic at any time, don’t criticize no, do it. Do not use to manipulate or encourage. Your personal service… God watches over what we do every day – Thank you!
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* Very bad experience with an accident claim @ I’ve stopped posting updates Can the public trustee decide the legal fees for a car accident? (HardwareZone) because some people are too free to promote their own stuff and lead this case.
Monday, July 4, 2022, 5:25 pm My current attorney sent me an email with an attachment to the Attorney General’s letter.
(c) the sum of $7,490.20 payable to Old Tire as the balance due to you from your customer on invoice number 3031/22 dated 1 March 2022, payable in installments – part (“P & P”. ) paid by the defendant. insurer and received by you) costs and expenses.
* Even if the 3 lawyers waive all the lawyer’s fees, they cannot satisfy my reasonable need in this accident claim.
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The recommendation was 6/7/2022 for the Law Society to highlight this issue as it is their responsibility to take this issue seriously to protect the people of Singapore!
Please, I would like to hear from you by email below on Wednesday, July 13 at 5:00 PM. This matter has been going on for a long time and since the PT has been decided, it seems best to close the case and move on. If I do not hear from you by 17:00 on Wednesday, July 13, I will proceed as directed by Pt.
Hi Stanley of course. So, are you expecting news from PT on this matter? We hope to hear from them later this week if there is any further statement from them. Please check your own section. They seem to be more sensitive to you than we are. We will update you if we hear from them. yours sincerely
* I forwarded all correspondence by email to the Public Trustee to expedite the call of the Public Trustee on July 6, 2022.
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I contacted my attorney on 07/20/2022 and he said that your public attorney did not respond to him about the issue that you stated that they misunderstood the issue of waiving attorney’s rights in your confirmation letter of 1/7/2022. .
You call them on 7/6/2022 and 7/14/2022 and tell them that the attorney misunderstood your approval letter and that the attorney’s fees should be waived as you said. As you said there was a misunderstanding and the Public Trustee could have easily responded to the lawyer and clarified the matter so that this case can be closed, may I know why there is further delay?
At the end of this month, July 2022 is already 8 months late since your public proxy is dealing with this issue. This time I hope so